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Graphviz for Network Visualization

Graphviz for Network Visualization Draw network diagrams from config files Graphviz package converts dot(.) file based descriptions into graphs. It is not restricted to UML or any specific type of graphs and can be used for automating flowchart and Network diagrams as well. See Wiki In this case, I am using the tool to convert the Network plan mentioned in the below post into a diagram for easy reference. Build a network emulator using Libvirt and KVM In this post, I demonstrate how to create a network emulation scenario using Libvirt, the Qemu/KVM hypervisor, and… On Ubuntu, do "apt install graphviz" and "apt install xdot" Once package is installed. Run the below commands for generating PDF or PNG files based on your preference. dot -Tpdf -o graph1.pdf dot -Tpng -o graph1.png The language is pretty simple, unless you wish to do any fancy stuff, then it would need deeper study, but for network diagrams, understanding one .dot file as mentioned below would be sufficient. The resultant network plan looks like this: References: 1. 2. 3.


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